Star Rescue
Saving Hope
How we started
Our story began in 2016 with a injured dog we named Hope who was abandoned and left to die suffering in agonizing pain in a local housing estate. The dog we named Hope united a small and dedicated group of volunteers who decided there was a need for an animal welfare organisation in West Limerick.
Early on we focussed our rescue work in the local area and a decison was made to take on the name "West Limerick Animal Aid."
Protecting the
forgotten animals
We noticed an escalating problem with certain ages or breeds of dog here in Ireland. Stigma made it hard to find loving homes for these dogs. It turned out that across the water in Europe these pets were very much wanted and in demand.
In 2016 application was made to the Department of Agriculture Food & Marine to allow export of dogs to Europe enabling us to match the animals up with loving families.
Growing into
a registered charity
2018 arrives and with increasing numbers of animal rescues ongoing, the group decided to submit an application for Charitable Status.
The application for Charitable Status was approved in 2019 and the organisations growth continued.
As the months go by a practical decision is made to build on the mutual assistance between County Dog Pounds from outside of Limerick.
Our geographic expansion triggers a decision to rename to Star Rescue and an application is put in to the Charity Regulator and granted in 2021.
New Name,
New Logo Same Care & Dedication
Our Experienced team of volunteers continue to work hard rescuing, reuniting, rehoming animals that thought they'd been forgotten.